The Philosphy of Plato
5 Things About Plato Road
1. It's the home of Simon Cooper at Number 14: 14 Plato Road. He is clearly a party animal.
2. It features in 'Brixton', a poem by Gary Lowe
A bored middle class white-girl (with an indeterminate accent)
is disappointed with her art degree
at number 11 Plato Road
she has turned her one room into a shrine
suitable for the comemplation of the ZERO
at night (or so she said) "I make love to the Buddha"
as yet, no-one, has believed her.
3. It's a thriving business community, being the home of Clifton Motor Repairs, Plain Text marketing agency, Lion Music Recording Studios & (among others).
4. How it comes about, I know not; but the fact is demonstrable, that two little streets branching from Acre Lane - the suburban thoroughfare which connects Brixton with Clapham - have been named, respectively, after the great lawgiver and the great philosopher of Athens. But for this startling originality of nomenclature, Solon Road and Plato Road would have little or nothing to mark them out among the countless similar byways of South London. They are short and narrow; the houses are very small, yet in their feeble way pretentious, for the bay-windows of the ground-floor display miniature stucco columns, scraped with spiral moulding; they have a plaintive little air of resolute respectability, of domestic virtue established on the very narrowest basis of cash. Great, however, is the force of a name. That of Plato Road sufficed to attract Mr. Philip Dolamore, who sought a lodging within the philosophic precincts, and here abode for the space of two years.
From The Pessimist of Plato Road by George Gissing
5. It's definitely in Brixton, not Clapham.
1. It's the home of Simon Cooper at Number 14: 14 Plato Road. He is clearly a party animal.
2. It features in 'Brixton', a poem by Gary Lowe
A bored middle class white-girl (with an indeterminate accent)
is disappointed with her art degree
at number 11 Plato Road
she has turned her one room into a shrine
suitable for the comemplation of the ZERO
at night (or so she said) "I make love to the Buddha"
as yet, no-one, has believed her.
3. It's a thriving business community, being the home of Clifton Motor Repairs, Plain Text marketing agency, Lion Music Recording Studios & (among others).
4. How it comes about, I know not; but the fact is demonstrable, that two little streets branching from Acre Lane - the suburban thoroughfare which connects Brixton with Clapham - have been named, respectively, after the great lawgiver and the great philosopher of Athens. But for this startling originality of nomenclature, Solon Road and Plato Road would have little or nothing to mark them out among the countless similar byways of South London. They are short and narrow; the houses are very small, yet in their feeble way pretentious, for the bay-windows of the ground-floor display miniature stucco columns, scraped with spiral moulding; they have a plaintive little air of resolute respectability, of domestic virtue established on the very narrowest basis of cash. Great, however, is the force of a name. That of Plato Road sufficed to attract Mr. Philip Dolamore, who sought a lodging within the philosophic precincts, and here abode for the space of two years.
From The Pessimist of Plato Road by George Gissing
5. It's definitely in Brixton, not Clapham.
At 3:06 pm,
Anonymous said…
Did you know that there's also an Aristotle Road about half a mile away running between Clapham High Road and Bedford Road?
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