
5 Things

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Five things about being off sick today

1. I think I brought it on myself. In the run up to the Run London 10k last Sunday (yes, I did it), I was saying "oh, I bet I'll get ill after the run!" So of course, I have. Last night I was out to dinner with a new boy and at about 9pm it suddenly landed on me and I had to dash home. By the time I got home I had full-on knives in the throat and hot and cold shakes. Boy probably thinks I just couldn't stand him.

2. I always feel guilty when I take the day off sick, even though I average about two days a year. I worry that I'm not really sick enough to justify a day at home, so I got work to have my laptop couriered to me so I could work from the sofa. I have barely moved all day.

3. After an entire day spent festering on the sofa it's impossible to tell whether you still feel ill or whether you just feel scuzzy. My neck and throat still hurt quite a lot, so I think it's at the very least a bit of both.

4. Being ill makes me want to burst into tears for no particular reason.

5. I'm sure it must be bed time, but I can't tell as I've slept for at least five hours today. It could be six.