
5 Things

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Handy Andy

5 Things I Have Achieved This Weekend

My dad has been visiting this weekend to help me with some DIY on my flat. I find it hard to get motivated on my own, plus, I'm just not that good at it! This is what we have done.

1. Made a new bookshelf. Well, dad actually made it, but I designed it! It's beautiful and is now hanging on the wall in my hallway accomodating all my paperback books. Hurrah!

2. I filled all the gaps in my newly re-fitted skirting boards. My flat is now 75% polyfiller.

3. Bought a desk. Perfect fit next to my fireplace from Greenwich market. It's v cool and am delighted that it isn't from Ikea.

4. I resisted chucking a brick through the window of Alex's car which I saw parked round the corner. It was tempting...

5. Through all this I have managed to nearly recover from a chest infection and cold which had me off sick for three days. I have been quite feeble and had to go for little lie downs quite often, but am definitely on the mend. Aitchoo!!!


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